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I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies where I use space telescopes and spacecraft to investigate the X-ray emissions from Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. I completed my PhD at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL in 2023 after working in Science Communication for a decade.  My PhD was focused on how different solar wind and magnetospheric conditions influenced the behaviours of Jupiter’s X-ray aurorae and I showed the link between the solar cycle and the gas giant planet’s disk X-ray output.

Since obtaining my MSci Physics degree at Royal Holloway in 2012, my science communication career brought me to London’s Science Museum, The Royal Institution of Great Britain and the Royal Observatory Greenwich. With a vast portfolio, from writing for the Guardian and NASA, to TV interviews with Channel Five News and Sky News, to performing at festivals including Cheltenham Science Festival and Camp Bestival, I am often called upon to communicate complex theories in an entertaining and digestible manner, using their scientific knowledge and science communication expertise to educate, engage and enthuse everyone in astronomy from toddlers, to grandparents to school groups.

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